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Cleaner for decks & other surfaces - Annual Deck Preservative Treatment
Deck Wood Rot Treatment Gel - Deck Treatment to repel water
Deck Support Post Saver Kit - Deck Post & Joist Repair Kits - Post Repair Putty
Patio, Path, Drive Treatment - Sprayers
Flame Retardant for Decks and Fences
Ring us with your order or for FREE Technical Help - 01626 872886
Note - prices exclude delivery and VAT
call for Trade and bulk prices.
Ultra Deck Surface Cleaner - surface cleaner concentrate
For Amateur, DIY, Professional and Trade use.
Ultra Surface Cleaner is a wash treatment that kills and prevents mould and stains in decks, patios, softwood, hardwood, paviers, slabs, tiles, concrete and masonry - clear, odourless and low toxicity. Always use the cleaner to kill the Algae, Slime, Mildew or Mold first before painting, staining or oiling, otherwise the mold spores can grow through even the best anti-mold finishes.
Also suitable for - yacht decks, ropes, sails, covers, dry rot initial sterilisation.
Mix the Cleaner Concentrate with water to make 5 litres of solution and wash down all affected surfaces with a sponge, brush, spray or watering can.
Treated area - top, untreated - bottom
Usage rate - covers approximately 6 square metres per litre = 30 square metres per 500cc concentrate, 5 litres diluted..
Treats over 40 square metres.
Mold Killer
Concentrate - £19.98 -
Useful information
Why it's so good
Chemical action - triple use - removes mold, algae slime and rots
Unique features - no smell, no staining, carpet friendly, no solvent, no microemulsion, no Permethrin or Cypermethrin.
Safety benefits - no brain toxins (Permethrin and Cypermethrin), no damage to roofing breather membranes (Microemulsions)
Typical usage - cleaner for most building surfaces, for fungal and mold treatment.
Typically it is used on stained wood, render, plaster, masonry, material and painted surfaces.
Pack and product details
Pack sizes - 250cc concentrate
Packaging - in plastic screw top bottles, ready to mix with water
Contains - Benzalkonium Chloride
Using Ultra Deck Surface Cleaner
Dilutions - add water to make 5 litres of wash
Application methods - brush, spray, sponge or watering can
Application rate - an average rate of 6 square metres per litre, assuming smooth surfaces.
Choosing a product type - always check with our experts if you are not sure which product is best for your job - 01626 872886
Safety - gloves, coveralls, waterproof boots, eye protection
Re-entry time to treated area - animals and humans - 1 hour, or until dry, whichever is the longer.
Note - this Cleaner is NOT a bleach and the cleaning process may take up to 7 days to be fully apparent.
For all paints, including masonry, to inhibit against re-growth.
Contents - Ultra Deck Surface Cleaner Concentrate 250cc (makes 5 litres), 2 x Anti Mold Paint Additives 50cc (for 5 litres of any paint, in total)
Mold kill 40 square metres, treat 5 litres of paint.
Always use the Mold Cleaner to kill the Mold first before painting, otherwise the residual mold spores can still germinate and then grow through even the best anti-mold paints.
Note - this Cleaner is NOT a bleach and the cleaning process may take up to 7 days to be fully apparent.
Deck Ultra Boracol for deck Slime, Algae, Dry Rot and Mold Treatment - for timber decks & patio masonry
Ultra Boracol 5 and 10 - for Professional Trade use.
Use Ultra Boracol 10 or Ultra Boracol 5 - where a combined Fungicide and Mouldicide is required and a water based product is needed.
For roof and outdoor surfaces prone to or affected by mold, mildew, slime, verdigris and rot. This unique Ultra Boracol (Boron, Glycol, Benzalkonium) formulation treats and prevents the growth of Molds and Rots, Slime and Moss.
Examples - yacht teak decks, patio and deck timbers, roof timbers with mould and insect attack, mould affected sub-sites after flooding. Boracol contain Borate, Mouldicide, Water and Glycol. Apply by brush or sprayer. Non-staining and only 1 hour re-entry. Ultra Boracol has no smell and no vapour.
Cleaned slab steps - deck cleaner after 2 days
Usage Rate - apply at an average rate of 4 square metres per litre, until wet, but not dripping. Apply two coats (Boracol 10) or three coats (Boracol 5) allowing to dry in between. Allow 5 to 6 square metres per litre.
How much Ultra Boracol will I need
Using pre-diluted 5% or 10% versions
1 litre covers approximately 2 sq metres with 2 coats
5 litres covers approximately 10 sq metres with 2 coats
25 litres covers approximately 50 sq metres with 2 coats
Ultra Boracol Clear Treatment - 5 litre
Buy Boracol - 5% and 10% ready to use, dissolved in water
Frequently purchased with this product - Gloves, Mask (for Spraying), Sprayers
Note - always wear a mask and gloves during application
Spray and Dust Mask (P2V)
Vinyl Disposable Uni-handed Gloves
5 litre Sprayer
12 litre Heavy Duty Sprayer
of Vinyl Gloves (100, uni-handed) - £13.70 -
- for water based spraying - £8.78 -
litre Knapsack Sprayer - £66.93 -
Useful information
Why it's so good
Chemical action - triple use, as an insecticide, a fungicide and a moldicide. Because of its heavy brushing base Gel it holds more active ingredient than liquids can and then soaks in gradually.
Unique features - no smell, no staining, carpet friendly (boats), no solvent, no microemulsion, no Permethrin or Cypermethrin.
Safety benefits - no brain toxins (Permethrin and Cypermethrin), no damage to roofing breather membranes (Microemulsions)
Typical usage - woodworm treatment for dry and damp wood, plus fungal and mold treatment.
Typically it is used on floor joist ends and bearing areas, damp roof timbers, backs of skirting boards and architrave's, back of door linings, cut ends of new, pre-treated timbers.
Pack and product details
Pack sizes - 1 litre, 5 litres and 25 litres
Packaging - in plastic screw top bottles, ready to use
Contains - pure Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate and Benzalkonium Chloride, plus a little Glycol, dissolved in water
Using Ultra Boracol
Dilutions - already diluted at 5% and 10%
Professional use - supplied at 5% and 10%.
Application methods - brush or dip or spray
Application rate - an average rate of 4 square metres per litre, assuming smooth surfaces. On rough surfaces apply two light coats.
Safety using Ultra Boracols
Choosing a product type - always check with our experts if you are not sure which product is best for your job - 01626 872886
Safety - gloves, coveralls, waterproof boots, eye protection
Re-entry time to treated area - animals and humans - 1 hour, or until dry, whichever is the longer.
Always pass the Data Sheet on to your Professional Applicator.
Deck Wood Preservative - brushing Ultra Boron Gel - anti rot
Boron based - for Amateur, DIY use and for Professional Trade use.
Apply to all vulnerable timbers - for example: dry and damp wood, end grain, notches, joints, plated, screwed and nailed areas - anywhere where water can settle and penetrate.
Boron Ultra Gel is a honey-like liquid. It is a higher concentration surface treatment for woodworm, Death Watch Beetle and rots. Also for protection where the timber has become wet and is vulnerable to attack by insects and rots, or for new timbers being installed in a damp area. Apply by brush. It can stain if too much is left on the surface after absorption has completed, so always remove excess with a damp cloth. It has no smell and no vapour.
Usage rate - allow about 4 square metres per litre on smooth timber, more if the surfaces are rough.
Frequently purchased with this product - Boracol B40 Injection Gel, (for injecting into thick timbers and damp areas, like the bearings ends of joists in walls), box of Vinyl Gloves (100, uni-handed).
Buy Boron based 5% and 20% Ultra Gels for brushing
Certificate - ask for Application Form - £20.00 -
How much will I need - click for Help page
Using directly from the bottle at 5% or 20% in one good coat
500cc covers approximately 2 square metres with 1 coat
1 litre covers approximately 4 square metres with 1 coat
2 litres covers approximately 8 square metres with 1 coat
Useful information
Why it's so good
Chemical action - triple use, as an insecticide, a fungicide and a moldicide. Because of its heavy brushing base Gel it holds more active ingredient than liquids can and then soaks in gradually.
Unique features - no smell, no staining, carpet friendly, no solvent, no microemulsion, no Permethrin or Cypermethrin.
Safety benefits - no brain toxins (Permethrin and Cypermethrin), no damage to roofing breather membranes (Microemulsions)
Typical usage - woodworm treatment for dry and damp wood, plus fungal and mold treatment.
Typically it is used on floor joist ends and bearing areas, damp roof timbers, backs of skirting boards and architrave's, back of door linings, cut ends of new, pre-treated timbers.
Pack and product details
Pack sizes - 500cc, 1 litre and 2 litre
Packaging - in plastic screw top bottles, ready to use
Trade - in boxes containing 4 x 2 litres - call for prices
Contains - pure Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate in a heavy water based gel
Using Boron Ultra Gels
Dilutions - already diluted at 5% and 20%
Amateur use - supplied at 5%.
Professional use - supplied at 5% and 20%.
Application methods - brush or dip
Application rate - an average rate of 4 square metres per litre, assuming smooth surfaces. For woodworm treatments 500cc will cover about 2 square metres, 1 litre about 4 sq metres and 2 litres about 8 sq metres.
Safety using Boron Ultra Gels
Choosing a product type - always check with our experts if you are not sure which product is best for your job - 01626 872886
Safety - gloves, coveralls, waterproof boots, eye protection
Re-entry time to treated area - animals and humans - 1 hour, or until dry, whichever is the longer. Remove all excess using a damp cloth after 48 hours, if the gel has not all been completely absorbed and the treated surfaces are to be left exposed. Wood varies in its ability to absorb products.
Deck Water Repellant - Ultra Proof
Can be used on wood, hardwood, paviers, slabs, tiles, concrete and masonry.
Roof tiles showing Ultraproof effect
May be used over Boracol, Boron and Ultrafire treatments to stop the products from being diluted by rainwater.
Water based, acrylic layer forming water repellent for wall and floor treatment. Repels water on outside walls, prevents dusting on concrete floors, primes and seals all types of plaster, render, brickwork and stonework. Can be over-painted or applied over paints, to lengthen life and reduce dirt build up. No solvents, no smell. Can be applied to a damp wall. Usage rate - allow up to 4 square metres per litre, by brush or low pressure, coarse spray.
Ultra Proof Repellent prevents the water from penetrating
Usage rate - allow 6 to 8 square metres per litre
Proof Repellent 5 litre - £49.50 -
Proof Repellent 25 litre - £181.50 -
Frequently purchased with this product - 12 litre Knapsack Sprayer with spray lance, suitable for sprayer all water based fluid products, as well as your garden
Note - always wear a mask and gloves during application
Spray and Dust Mask (P2V)
Vinyl Disposable Uni-handed Gloves
5 litre Sprayer
12 litre Heavy Duty Sprayer
of Vinyl Gloves (100, uni-handed) - £13.70 -
- for water based spraying - £8.78 -
litre Knapsack Sprayer - £66.93 -
Useful information
Why it's so good
Chemical action - not affected by damp or new mortar/render - so can be applied to new work and damp surfaces
Unique features - no smell, no staining, no solvent, no microemulsion, no Permethrin or Cypermethrin.
Safety benefits - no brain toxins (Permethrin and Cypermethrin), no damage to roofing breather membranes (Microemulsions do affect some roof lining membranes)
Typical usage - a water repellant on masonry and wood and on top of other products to help retain them.
Pack and product details
Pack sizes - 5 litres and 25 litres
Packaging - in plastic screw top bottles, ready to use
Contains - acrylic resin dispersed in water
Using Ultraproof
Dilutions - ready to use, do not dilute
Amateur use - as supplied.
Professional use - as supplied
Application methods - brush, dip, spray or watering can
Application rate - an average rate of 6 to 8 square metres per litre, assuming smooth surfaces. On rough surfaces apply two light coats.
Choosing a product type - always check with our experts if you are not sure which product is best for your job - 01626 872886
Safety - gloves, coveralls, waterproof boots, eye protection
Accidental over spray - remove immediately using water. Do not allow to dry on glass.
Deck Post and Joist Repair Kits - repair plates for wooden posts and joists in decks
For Domestic Floor Loadings only.
Web Page - click here
Joist End Repair Plates - BM6, BM9 and BM17 (in two depths)
1. Bearing End Replacement Use
For use to replace rotted ends or as splicing plates to add a new length of timber
Supplied as pairs of galvanized steel plates, pre-drilled, to be fixed with Coach Screws (included). The plates rest in or on the wall and allow for the rotted end to be cut off.
Joist End Repair Plate Kits - BM9 - for up to 9 inches (225mm of cut off)
Fixing upgrade for Heavy Duty Situations
For use in rows of continuous end repairs, with no sound joist ends between, always add our bolt and nut set, comprising two bolts, two nuts and two washers, 10mm diameter, through the plates into the parent joist, to give additional stiffness.
2. Splicing Use
For use to add a new length of timber to an existing end
For use in splicing two joist pieces together always add two bolt and nut sets, comprising four bolts, four nuts and eight washers, 10mm diameter, through the plates into the parent joists, to give additional stiffness.
How to choose the correct kit and plate size
BM6, BM9 and BM17 (100mm) - only for joists 4 inches (100mm) up to 6 inches (150mm) deep x 2 to 3 inches wide (100mm to 150mm x 50mm to 75mm)
BM6 - 100mm deep Plates - allow for up to 6 inches, 150mm, to be cut off - joist size 4 inches, (100mm deep), up to 6 inches, (150mm deep). Plate size = 100mm deep x 550mm long with a 25mm flange lip on the bottom.
BM9 - 100mm deep Plates - allow for up to 9 inches, 225mm, to be cut off - joist size 4 inches, (100mm deep), up to 6 inches, (150mm deep). Plate size = 100mm deep x 655mm long with a 25mm flange lip on the bottom.
BM17 - 100mm deep Plates - allow for up to 17 inches, 431mm, to be cut off - joist size 4 inches, (100mm deep), up to 6 inches, (150mm deep). Plate size = 100mm deep x 1000mm long with a 25mm flange lip on the bottom.
The plates extend into the wall - no wood required in the wall socket.
Note - the galvanised Coach Screws are included with the Kits.
Steel plate end repair and splicing kit prices
BM17 - 150mm Plates - only for joists of a minimum size of 6 inches x 2 inches, (150mm x 50mm), up to 9 inches x 3 inches, (225mm x 75mm).
Note - the galvanised Coach Screws are included with the Kits.
BM17 Plates - allow for up to 17 inches, 432mm, to be cut off - joist sizes from 6 inches, 150mm deep up to 9 inches, 225mm deep x 3 inches, 75mm width maximum. Plate size = 150mm deep x 1025mm long with a 25mm flange lip on the bottom
Kit - 100mm deep - £19.56 -
Kit - 100mm deep - £24.51 -
Kit - 100mm deep - £34.69 -
Kit - 150mm deep - £35.97 -
Special sizes available to order, made from steel plate
Set - £2.50 -
(specify the timber thickness of the joists in the Delivery Information
Box when in the Shopping Cart)
Note - For Joist End Repair Plates when in Heavy Duty or Splicing applications buy 2 Bolts Sets per Kit.
Web Page - click here
For Domestic Floor Loadings only.
Web Page - click here
Joist Splice Plates - JSP1, JSP2, JSP3
1. For adding a new length of timber to an existing end
For use to replace rotted ends as splicing plates to add a new length of wood at the cut off point
Joist Splice Plate Kits are supplied as pairs of plates made from anodised aluminium treadplate, un-drilled, to be fixed with self drilling and tapping screws (included). The plates allow you to joint domestic joists at any point along their length.
For use in splicing two joist pieces together always add two bolt and nut sets, comprising four bolts, four nuts and eight washers, 10mm diameter, through the plates into the parent joists, to give additional stiffness.
How to choose the correct kit and plate size
Maximum joist thickness - 3 inches, 75mm.
JSP No. 1 Small Kit - for joists from 4 inches up to 6 inches, 100mm - 150mm, in depth
JSP No. 2 Medium Kit - for joists from 6 inches to 8 inches, 150mm - 200mm, in depth
JSP No. 3 Large Kit - for joists from 8 inches up to 10 inches, 200mm to 250mm, in depth
Joist Splice Plates - to be screwed on, across the join, with self piercing screws
Aluminium plate end splicing kit prices
Special sizes available to order, made from aluminium tread plate
(specify the timber thickness of the joists in the Delivery Information Box when in the Shopping Cart)
Note - For Splice Plates buy 2 Bolts Sets per Kit.
If you have a timber of any size that needs splicing ask us for a made to measure set of plates.
We can also supply bolt sets, plate washers and star washers.
Web Page - click here
For Historic, Domestic and Commercial Floor Loadings.
Web Page - click here
Timber- Resin Splice Kits - Type C, D, E, F, G, H.
Bearing End Replacement Use and Mid Span Repairs
For use to replace rotted ends or to add a new length of timber
Supplied as complete kits containing a new piece of laminated wood to the exact original size, high tensile steel bars as connectors and epoxy resins for making the connection.
For repairing timber beams, lintols, rafters, tie beams, carrier beams, joists and bressumers. These bespoke beam kits contain a new, laminated structural timber, made in kiln dried wood to C24 Grade or higher, fitted with connector bars made from zinc plated 8.8 Grade High Tensile Allthread bar. Pouring or injection resins are also included.
More details - see our specialist Web Sites
www.timber.org.uk - systems of repair, with step by step methods and site photos
www.timber-repair.co.uk - how to repair timber beams with Site photos
Save a ceiling Joist Timber Resin Splice Kit
Engineering - free Design, Method Statement and Tools List (Hire available).
Frequently purchased with this product - additional Structural Pouring Resin
Pricing - price on application, Immediate Free Quotation - call Angela or David on 01626 872886
Web Page - click here
For Historic, Domestic and Commercial Floor Loadings.
Web Page - click here
We machine and laminate wood to recreate your original Joist or Beam size, shape and timber species.
Machined softwood to Imperial Size - in inches
We manufacture unusual shaped timber repair components. For example, on the left we have a Pizza Hut building with new frame legs, on the right a timber multi part beam part.
Engineering - free Design, Method Statement and Tools List (Hire available).
Frequently purchased with this product - additional Structural Pouring Resin
Pricing - price on application, Immediate Free Quotation - call Angela or David on 01626 872886
Web Page - click here
For Historic, Domestic and Commercial Floor Loadings.
Web Page - click here
Strength Upgrades for joists and beams - Structural Epoxy Pouring Resin and high tensile steel bars
For stiffening bearing ends or mid span deflection
For use to stop sagging in floor joists and carrier beams
For stiffening timber beams, lintols, rafters, tie beams, carrier beams, joists and bressumers. Steel reinforcement, made from zinc plated 8.8 Grade High Tensile Allthread bar, or BS4449 Rebar is laid into a central slot and then Structural Epoxy Pouring resin is added to form a permanent upgrade. This 'modified flitch' usually doubles the stiffness of the average beam.
Central slot cut and then bars and resin used.
Engineering - free Design, Method Statement and Tools List (Hire available).
Frequently purchased with this product - additional Structural Pouring Resin
Strength Upgrade material prices
litres of Pouring Resin - £75.11 -
litres of Pouring Resin - £150.22 -
Deck Post and Joist Protection Rods - solid Borax Rods dissolve inside
Electricity and Telegraph Poles use Rods & Paste
Best, all moisture content approach - combine Boron Rods and Boron Injection Gel - drill a 10mm hole, drop in a Boron Rod, inject Boron B40 Injection Gel
Boron Ultra B40 Injection Gel is a smooth white paste for use inside timber. Apply by injection, using the extension tube provided. It has no smell, but can stain if any is left on the surface - wipe off excess with a damp cloth. It has no smell and no vapour. For woodworm treatments, including part of a Death Watch Beetle treatment. For woodworm and rot treatments where timbers are damp and are likely to remain damp, or become seasonally damp - e.g. window frames, joist ends, beam ends, wall plates, door posts, garden posts.
Usage rate - use our chart of hole spacings for various timber sizes as a guide, or call us on 01626 872886 and we'll calculate your exact requirements. (Hole Spacing Guide - click here to download)
Boron Rods are made of high concentration fused Borate, for use inside timber. They are designed to slowly dissolve inside the wood, spreading a zone of treatment around each hole. They have no smell and no vapour. For woodworm and rot treatments where timbers are damp and are likely to remain damp, or become seasonally damp - e.g. window frames, joist ends, beam ends, wall plates, door posts, garden posts. Provides a long term reservoir of Boron protection - e.g. sheds, fence posts, window frames, timber framed buildings.
Boron Rods - available in several sizes
Usage rate - use our chart of hole spacings for various timber sizes as a guide, or call us on 01626 872886 and we'll calculate your exact requirements. (Hole Spacing Guide - click here to download)
Frequently purchased with this product - Boron Ultra Gel, (for brushing onto thick timbers and damp areas, like the bearings ends of joists in walls), Box of Vinyl Gloves (100, uni-handed), Plastic Plugs (colour choice - red brick, grey, cream stone, 10mm diameter)
B40 Injection Gel, 400cc cartridge with extension - £38.90 -
IMPORTANT NOTE - the License for this product expires on the 31st August 2022.
After that date they can only be sold for export to non-EU Countries.
You can buy Boron Injectable Gel instead:
rods, 8mm x 24mm pack of 10 - £14.92 -
rods, 8mm x 65mm pack of 10 - £22.90 -
Cap holes using our 10mm plastic plugs - pack of 25 - fit holes 10 -12mm in diameter
Pack of 25 plugs - grey - £3.96 -
of 25 plugs - brick red - £3.96 -
of 25 plugs - stone/cream - £3.96 -
Post Repair Putty - repair the rot in the bottom of posts
Posts - mouldable Epoxy Putty forms a new damp proof and rot proof foot
Simply take equal portions in gloved hands and mix together, (like window putty or bread dough), until a perfectly even colour. Apply with a pallet knife or by hand placing. Can be sanded and painted, or left a natural buff colour. Can also be coloured with Mortar Powder or you can add you own stone dust to the finished surface whilst uncured.
Mixing Mouldable Epoxy Putty - it can be stained using our Powder Colours or Pigments
Ratio 1:1 - mix wearing gloves
The ideal material for hand placing in awkward shaped holes, splits and cavities
Usage rate - 1 litre of putty will fill a hole 4 inches x 4 inches x 4 inches (100mm x 100mm x 100mm).
of Epoxy Putty - £12.62 -
litre of Epoxy Putty - £18.38 -
Frequently purchased with this product - Vinyl Disposable Gloves (Box of 100 uni-handed vinyl), Epoxy Remover Fluid
Knife for mixing/placing -
Box of 100 Vinyl Disposable Gloves -
Epoxy Remover Fluid
Putty Kit - 1 x 1 litre of Epoxy Putty, box of gloves, putty knife
Sprayers - 5 litre and 12 litre - for water based products
Hand pump up sprayers for water based products, including our Boron Ultra 12 and Boracol insecticides and fungicides.
Knapsack Sprayer - has a side lever arm action, for pumping whilst carrying the sprayer on one's back.
5 litre Sprayer
12 litre Heavy Duty Sprayer
of Vinyl Gloves (100, uni-handed) - £13.70 -
- for water based spraying - £8.78 -
litre Knapsack Sprayer - £66.93 -
UltraFire - 5 litre - fire retardant treatment - indoor & outdoor use
A milky liquid that dries clear for fire proofing treatment of timber based materials, Certificated to Classes O and 1. Can be applied to fences, decks, sheds, timber paneling and flooring.
UltraFire being tested
Usage rate - apply 3 coats at 10 square metres per litre = 15 square metres per 5 litre.
Frequently purchased with this product - Knapsack Sprayer
£132.67 - 5 litre £525.97 - 25 litre plus VAT
Retardant 5 litre - £132.67 -
Retardant 25 litre - £525.97 -
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